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downwind in the direction that the wind is going; leeward.
drift to be carried along by an outside force, such as wind or water. [2/11 definitions]
driven blown or swept along, as by wind or current. [1/3 definitions]
drogue an anchor, esp. a canvas sack used for slowing a boat and keeping her prow into the wind. [1/2 definitions]
dune a mound or hill of sand built up by the action of wind.
easterly a storm or wind from the east. [1/3 definitions]
embouchure the mouthpiece of a wind instrument. [2/4 definitions]
energy power or heat from sources such as the sun, wind, petroleum, natural gas, or coal that can be put to use by humans. [1/4 definitions]
enlace to encircle, bind, or wind about with or as if with a cord or lace. [1/2 definitions]
eolian of sand or rock matter, carried, produced, or formed by the wind.
erode to form (a geological feature) by wearing away, esp. by the action of water, ice, or wind. [1/3 definitions]
erosion the process by which material from the earth's surface is worn away by forces such as glaciers, wind, and water. [1/2 definitions]
euphonium a brass wind instrument similar to a tuba but higher in pitch and mellower in tone.
exposure placement or location in reference to sun, wind, or compass direction. [1/7 definitions]
flaw2 a sudden burst of wind; gust. [1/2 definitions]
fluegelhorn a three-valved brass wind instrument that is similar to a cornet in pitch and appearance, but mellower in tone.
fluky uncertain or shifting, as the wind. [1/2 definitions]
French horn a brass wind instrument that consists of a long coiled tube with a funnel-shaped mouthpiece, three valves, and a flaring bell at the end.
fusee a match with a large head ignited by friction and capable of burning even in a wind. [1/4 definitions]
gale a strong wind, esp. one of about thirty to sixty miles per hour. [1/2 definitions]
goggle one of a pair of protective lenses with a shielding framework, worn to protect the eyes from debris, strong wind, harsh light, chlorinated water, and the like. [1/6 definitions]