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bar1 a business establishment that primarily serves alcoholic drinks, or an area within an establishment where alcoholic drinks are prepared. [1/13 definitions]
base line in baseball, the area within which a runner must stay while running from base to base. [1/3 definitions]
bass1 the instrument within a family of musical instruments that plays the lowest tones. [1/5 definitions]
bay window a windowed section protruding from the outer wall of a building, so as to form an alcove within.
bear1 to hold within oneself (a particular feeling) in relation to another or others. [1/9 definitions]
beast the uncivilized or animal element within humans. [1/3 definitions]
beat a rhythmic movement that comes from within; pulsation. [1/15 definitions]
before in the presence of; within view of. [1/8 definitions]
blind (sometimes pl.) a device in a window to screen out light or give privacy within. [1/12 definitions]
bloodstream the blood flowing within the circulatory system of a living organism.
bonobo any of a species of highly intelligent African ape related to but smaller than the chimpanzee and exhibiting various human-like behaviors. The bonobo's habitat in the wild is limited to an area within the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
bound3 (usu. pl.) the area contained within or lying near a boundary or outer limit of something. [1/4 definitions]
box1 to confine or contain within or as within a box. [1/9 definitions]
brain the organ of the central nervous system contained within the skull, which thinks, interprets sensations, and coordinates motion and other activity in the rest of the body. [1/5 definitions]
brain wave (usu. pl.) rhythmic electric impulses occurring within the brain. [1/2 definitions]
brass (pl.) the group of players of brass instruments within an orchestra or band. [1/6 definitions]
breed a group of animals within one species, having relatively unvaried physical characteristics, developed under controlled conditions by man. [1/9 definitions]
budget-friendly of a product for sale, allowing one to stay within one's financial budget if purchased; reasonably priced; affordable.
bulge a rounded or swollen protrusion caused by pressure from below or within. [1/4 definitions]
by within the period of time of; during. [1/16 definitions]
caldera a large volcanic crater, esp. one whose diameter greatly exceeds that of the vent within it.