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in sync occurring, moving, or working together at the same time and rate; in unison; synchronized. [1/2 definitions]
interest group an organized group of individuals working together for a common cause, often formed to influence public policy or support the rights of a specific segment of the population.
interworking combined form of working.
jig1 to employ a jig, either in working with materials or in fishing. [1/4 definitions]
job action a collective action by workers, such as a temporary strike or slowdown, that is undertaken to force a company to change its policies, esp. in regard to working conditions.
kink a small problem or imperfection that prevents something from working well. [1/5 definitions]
knock off to quit working for the day. [1/6 definitions]
knuckle down to start working in a concentrated manner; apply oneself seriously.
Labor Day the first Monday in September, a legal holiday observed in Canada and the United States to honor the labor of working people.
laborious diligent and hard-working. [1/3 definitions]
labor union an organization of workers that promotes and protects the interests of its members in issues such as wages and working conditions, esp. through negotiations with employers.
liberation the process of working toward the attainment of equal rights and equal status for a particular group. [1/2 definitions]
linchpin a person, policy, element, or the like that is crucial to the working of an organization or plan. [1/2 definitions]
lower class the socioeconomic class or classes below the middle class; working class; proletariat.
mandrel a shaft on which a working tool, such as a circular saw or a drill, is mounted and rotates. [1/2 definitions]
metallurgy the science or method of extracting metals from ore, of creating combinations of various metals, or of heating and working metal.
modeling the act or profession of working as a fashion model. [1/2 definitions]
modus operandi a method of accomplishing something; way of working.
moonlighting working at a second job, often at night, in addition to one's regular, full-time job.
mortarboard a usu. square board with a handle underneath, for carrying and working with mortar. [1/2 definitions]
nonworking combined form of working.