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bosom of, pertaining to, or worn over the breasts. [1/7 definitions]
boutonniere a flower or flowers worn in a buttonhole of a lapel.
bracelet a band or chain worn around the wrist or arm as an ornament.
bracer2 an arm or wrist guard worn by archers as protection from the bowstring.
braces (chiefly British) a pair of adjustable straps that are designed to support trousers, worn over the shoulders and attached to the trousers at the front and back of the waist; suspenders. [1/2 definitions]
brassard a band of material worn as a badge about the upper arm; armband. [1/2 definitions]
brass knuckles a band of metal with finger holes that is worn over the knuckles in a fist fight in order to cause greater injury than bare knuckles.
breastpin a decorative pin worn near the throat or on the chest; brooch.
breechcloth a piece of material worn as covering for the loins; loincloth.
burka a long, loose garment that covers the face and body, worn in public by many Muslim women with a space left open for the eyes and typically covered by a mesh screen. [2 definitions]
burnoose a cloak with a hood, worn esp. by Arabs.
burnsides a mustache and side whiskers worn with the chin clean-shaven. (See sideburns.)
busby a tall hat made of fur and worn by certain British soldiers.
bushed (informal) very tired; worn out.
bustle2 a cushion or wire frame formerly worn beneath a dress to add fullness in the rear. [1/2 definitions]
caftan a loose, full-length garment with long sleeves and a sash tied at the waist, worn esp. in countries of the Middle East.
cameo a stone carved so as to leave a slightly raised image of one color and a background of another, often worn as jewelry. [1/3 definitions]
cap and bells a cap with bells on it, once worn by court jesters; fool's cap.
cap and gown a mortarboard and robe worn at certain academic ceremonies such as graduation.
capri pants tight-fitting ankle-length trousers worn by women.
capuchin a hooded cloak, formerly worn by women. [1/3 definitions]