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declaim to speak or write for rhetorical impact, without logic or sincerity. [1/4 definitions]
decompose a number in mathematics education, to separate a number into its component place values. For example, to decompose the number 231 you would write "200+30+1".
deprecate to speak or write forcefully against. [1/2 definitions]
dictation the speaking or reading of words for a person to write down or a machine to record. [1/3 definitions]
drop (someone) a line to write a brief letter or note to (someone).
elegize to write an elegy or elegies. [1/2 definitions]
encipher to write (something) in code. (Cf. decipher.)
eulogize to speak or write high praise of; write or deliver a eulogy about.
euphemize to speak or write using euphemisms. [1/2 definitions]
fluency the ability to speak or write smoothly and easily in another language.
framer (usu. cap.) someone who writes a new law, esp. one of the statesmen who helped write the U.S. Constitution. [1/2 definitions]
get off to manage to say, write, or send (something). [1/10 definitions]
ghost to write (a book such as an autobiography) under the name of and as the agent for another person; ghostwrite. [1/7 definitions]
grease pencil a pencil made of compressed grease mixed with pigment, usu. wrapped in paper that unwinds in a spiral to expose the tip, used esp. to write on slick surfaces.
hack1 to write or modify programs for computers, usually with advanced skill and for pleasure. [1/12 definitions]
harp on (informal) to talk or write about something repeatedly and tiresomely.
historiographer a historian, esp. one commissioned to write a particular history, as of an institution. [1/2 definitions]
hyphenate to write, connect, or divide with a hyphen. [1/2 definitions]
illiteracy the condition of being unable to read and write. [1/3 definitions]
illiterate If a person is illiterate, they cannot read or write. [1/5 definitions]
ink to write or draw (something) with or as with ink. [1/4 definitions]