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belt a hard blow. [1/11 definitions]
beneath in or to a lower level, place, or state; below. [2/5 definitions]
bestrew to scatter over or cover; strew. [1/2 definitions]
biceps a muscle divided in two parts at its origin, esp. the large muscle at the front of the upper arm that bends the elbow.
bicycle rickshaw a type of transportation originating in Asia, having three wheels and two passenger seats, and powered by a person pedaling; pedicab; cycle rickshaw.
bingo a game of chance in which markers are placed on numbered squares on a card, in accordance with numbers chosen randomly and announced by a caller, and which is won by placing five such markers in a row.
black eye darkening and discoloration of the flesh around the eye, as from a bruise or blow. [1/2 definitions]
bleed to feel grief, sympathy or sorrow. [1/7 definitions]
blemish a mark that spoils the perfection of something; flaw. [1/3 definitions]
blew past tense of blow2.
blind without the capacity to see or know. [1/12 definitions]
blower someone or something that blows, esp. a machine that forces air to blow.
blown past participle of blow2. [1/5 definitions]
Blue Man Group a creative organization that provides performance-art theater in the form of a trio of blue-painted entertainers who incorporate such elements as food, odd props, rock music, and audience participation into their show.
bob1 to incline or dip one's body as a sign of respect; curtsy or bow. [1/4 definitions]
bob3 a light tap or blow. [1/3 definitions]
bonk a blow to the head, or the sound resulting from such a blow. [1/3 definitions]
boost to raise to a higher position by pushing from below. [1/6 definitions]
bossy3 (informal) a cow.
bow2 curved or bent like a bow. [3/7 definitions]
bow3 in indicating direction, either side of a boat's or ship's bow. [1/3 definitions]