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branch a woody part that grows out from the main body of a tree or shrub; limb. [1/6 definitions]
broadtail the wavy, glossy black pelt of a newborn or stillborn karakul lamb.
Bronze Age the stage or level of development of human culture that followed the Stone Age and was characterized by the use of bronze tools and weapons; about 3,500 B.C. to 1,000 B.C.
brouhaha spirited noise, discussion, or confusion among many people; commotion; hubbub. [1/2 definitions]
Buddhism a spiritual philosophy and religion, founded in the sixth century B.C. by Buddha and widespread in Asia, that teaches release from the self and from one's earthly desires.
bush1 a low plant having many woody branches; shrub. [1/3 definitions]
buzz bomb (informal) see "robot bomb."
cab1 a taxicab. [1/3 definitions]
camas any of various North American plants of the lily family that bear clusters of blue or white flowers and have a sweet edible bulb. [1/2 definitions]
cancer (cap.) a spring zodiacal constellation located between Gemini and Leo; Crab. [1/5 definitions]
candleberry the fruit of this shrub. [1/2 definitions]
Carthage an ancient Phoenician city-state founded in the ninth century B.C. near the site of modern Tunis and destroyed in 146 B.C. by the Romans.
cartoonist one who draws cartoons, esp. as one's job.
Cheng Tang first leader of the Shang dynasty of China, ruling in approximately the seventeenth century B.C.E. (exact dates contested).
cherub a person, esp. a child, who resembles a cherub. [1/2 definitions]
chervil a plant of the parsley family having aromatic leaves and used as a seasoning or as a salad herb. [1/2 definitions]
Chou the third dynasty in China, about 1122 to 256 B.C.
citizens band a series of short wave frequencies set aside by the federal government for private use; CB.
Cleopatra a queen of Egypt (69-30 B.C.).
climbable combined form of climb.
club an establishment that is open late at night and provides food, drink, and usu. entertainment; nightclub. [2/7 definitions]