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club an establishment that is open late at night and provides food, drink, and usu. entertainment; nightclub. [2/7 definitions]
clubable combined form of club.
cob the hard center of an ear of corn; corncob. [1/3 definitions]
cobweb a web spun by a spider, esp. an abandoned one, or a single strand of this web. [1/5 definitions]
cockscomb a vain man who is exceptionally concerned with his dress and appearance; coxcomb. [1/3 definitions]
cold shoulder a deliberate display of unresponsiveness or indifference, intended as a snub.
comb to untangle, style, or hold with or as if with a comb. [2/9 definitions]
commodore a title of courtesy given to the senior captain of a merchant fleet or to the president of a yacht club. [1/2 definitions]
Confucius a Chinese philosopher whose ethical teachings were introduced into Chinese religion; K'ung Fu-tzu (551?-479? B.C.).
conjugate in grammar, to list systematically the inflected forms of a verb. [1/5 definitions]
conjugation in grammar, the process of listing systematically the inflected forms of a verb. [2/4 definitions]
copula in grammar, a verb or other word that connects a subject and a predicate, such as "is" in "John is an engineer" and "seem" in "They seem tired"; linking verb. [1/3 definitions]
corncob pipe a tobacco pipe with a bowl made of a hollow, dried corncob.
cot1 (chiefly British) a stationary bed with high sides for an infant or young child; crib. [1/2 definitions]
courtesy card a card that identifies the bearer and entitles him or her to certain privileges, as at a store, bank, hotel, or club.
crab1 any of various other crustaceans resembling a true crab, such as a hermit or horseshoe crab. [2/8 definitions]
crater a similar depression in the surface of the earth or other heavenly bodies caused by the impact of falling meteorites or the explosion of a mine or bomb. [1/3 definitions]
crib to confine in, or as though in, a crib. [1/12 definitions]
Cro-Magnon a Caucasoid type of human that lived in Europe from about 60,000 B.C. to about 10,000 B.C.
curb to provide with a curb. [1/4 definitions]
curbing the material used to make a street curb. [2 definitions]