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Amos according to the Old Testament, a minor Hebrew prophet of the eighth century B.C. [1/2 definitions]
amphotericin a medication used to treat fungal infections, esp. those that are systemic.
analytical of, pertaining to, or resulting from analysis; analytic. [1/2 definitions]
ancient Rome a civilization cultivated by the city-state of Rome from the 8th century B.C.E. through its development as a republic and its collapse as an empire in the 5th century A.D.
androgynous possessing both male and female characteristics or traits; hermaphroditic. [1/2 definitions]
anesthetize to render unable to perceive bodily sensations such as pain, esp. with an anesthetic.
angular measured by the degrees of an arc. [1/3 definitions]
anthropomorphous anthropomorphic.
antiacademic combined form of academic.
antiaphrodisiac combined form of aphrodisiac.
antiaristocratic combined form of aristocratic.
antiarthritic combined form of arthritic.
antibureaucratic combined form of bureaucratic.
anticarcinogenic combined form of carcinogenic.
anti-Catholic combined form of Catholic.
antidiabetic combined form of diabetic.
antidogmatic combined form of dogmatic.
antieconomic combined form of economic.
antiemetic combined form of emetic.
antiepileptic combined form of epileptic.
antierotic combined form of erotic.