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Dictionary Suite
antierotic combined form of erotic.
antihumanistic combined form of humanistic.
antihysteric combined form of hysteric.
antimetabolic combined form of metabolic.
antipornographic combined form of pornographic.
antipruritic combined form of pruritic.
antiromantic combined form of romantic.
antischizophrenic combined form of schizophrenic.
antiscientific combined form of scientific.
antiscorbutic a substance that prevents or cures scurvy, such as vitamin C. [1/2 definitions]
antisyphilitic combined form of syphilitic.
ao dai (Vietnamese) the costume traditionally worn by women in Vietnam, having loose-fitting trousers and a long tunic.
ape one who imitates; a mimic. [1/5 definitions]
aperiodic occurring without regular intervals or cycles; not periodic.
apomorphine a white crystalline alkaloid made from morphine, used as an expectorant and emetic.
arbitrary exercising power with no legal restrictions; despotic. [1/3 definitions]
Archean of, relating to, or designating the earlier of two geological periods of the Precambrian Era, ending approximately 2.5 billion years ago, during which highly crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks were formed; Early Precambrian; Archeozoic; azoic. [1/2 definitions]
Archimedes a Greek mathematician and inventor (287?-212 B.C.).
arctic suited for or similar to that which is used or worn in the arctic. [1/5 definitions]
Arctic Ocean an ocean that surrounds the North Pole; Arctic.
argumentation the process of developing an elaborate argument based on logic. [1/2 definitions]