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bow2 curved or bent like a bow. [3/7 definitions]
bow3 in indicating direction, either side of a boat's or ship's bow. [1/3 definitions]
bowknot a decorative knot with large loops that is often used in ribbons, shoelaces, string, or the like; bow.
bowshot the distance an arrow travels or can travel when shot from a bow.
bowstring the cord stretched between the two ends of an archer's bow. [1/3 definitions]
bow tie a short necktie tied in a bow.
bozo (slang) a guy; fellow. [1/2 definitions]
brand-new in an unused, fresh condition; completely new. [1/2 definitions]
broken devastated by sorrow. [1/9 definitions]
brow the ridge of bone above the eye, or the hair growing on it; eyebrow. [1/3 definitions]
brush up on to study again to bring one's knowledge up to date or to remember what might have been forgotten; review.
bud1 to grow. [1/8 definitions]
buffet1 a jarring impact, such as that produced by a blow. [1/4 definitions]
burlesque in the United States, a stage show that features unsophisticated burlesques, popular music, and often stripteases; vaudeville show. [1/5 definitions]
burrow to hide or dwell in a burrow. [2/5 definitions]
bury to cover completely, or hide far from view. [1/6 definitions]
buzz saw a power-operated circular saw.
by any means in any way possible; somehow.
cachepot an ornamental container into which the plain pot of a houseplant is set and thus concealed from view.
cadi a Muslim judge whose decisions are based on Islamic religious law.
café curtains short unpleated curtains, esp. for covering the lower half of a window.