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café curtains short unpleated curtains, esp. for covering the lower half of a window.
caliper a similar instrument with one fixed jaw and one sliding jaw. [1/3 definitions]
call-in a telephone conversation between a listener or viewer and a radio or television host, which is broadcast on the host's show. [1/2 definitions]
came2 a thin, grooved strip of lead used to secure a piece of glass, as in a stained glass window.
canonical pertaining to or conforming to religious law. [1/3 definitions]
canonist a person with a high degree of knowledge in church law.
carpe diem (Latin) seize the day; the attitude or advice that one should enjoy today without thought for tomorrow.
carrion crow a common European crow.
carry out to comply with; obey; follow. [1/3 definitions]
celibacy the state of being unmarried, esp. as the result of a religious vow. [1/2 definitions]
celibate abstaining from sexual relations, esp. because of having taken a vow. [1/4 definitions]
ceno- new.
chap2 (informal) a man or boy; fellow.
charley horse a painful cramp in a muscle caused by overexertion or by a blow.
chewable combined form of chew.
child labor the full-time employment of children under a minimum age specified by law.
Choctaw the language of this people and of the Chickasaw. [1/2 definitions]
chop1 to strike or strike at with a strong, swift, downward blow. [1/8 definitions]
chow chow see "chow2."
chrome a pigment derived from chromium, such as chrome yellow. [1/5 definitions]
citation a summons, usu. to a court of law. [1/3 definitions]