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loan that which is lent or borrowed. [1/5 definitions]
marry to take in marriage as one's life partner; wed. [2/5 definitions]
nonrenewable not capable of being renewed. [1/2 definitions]
norm a model or standard, esp. one that is generally accepted or followed. [1/2 definitions]
quartered quartersawed. [1/3 definitions]
radarscope a monitor on which radar signals are viewed.
reborn revitalized; renewed. [1/3 definitions]
receive to accept (something) that has been bestowed. [1/10 definitions]
redivivus restored to life; revived; reborn or renewed.
renewal the act of renewing or state of being renewed. [1/2 definitions]
repay to make a payment to (someone) for something that is owed. [1/4 definitions]
repossess to take possession of again, esp. for failure to pay money that is owed.
retard to be or become incomplete or slowed. [1/3 definitions]
row2 an outing or trip in a boat that is rowed. [1/6 definitions]
self-avowed combined form of avowed.
stowage the act or process of stowing, or the condition or manner of being stowed. [2/4 definitions]
string a tightly stretched cord or wire on a musical instrument that produces a sound when plucked or bowed. [1/12 definitions]
sworn openly confessed or admitted; avowed. [1/3 definitions]
tally a total, as of points scored or debts owed. [1/7 definitions]
taximeter a mechanical device installed in taxicabs that automatically calculates the distance driven and the fare owed.
totalitarian designating a system of government in which power and authority are highly centralized and intrusive into the lives of private citizens, and in which neither opposing parties nor individual differences in opinion are allowed. [1/2 definitions]