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add up to equal (a certain sum) or point to (a logical conclusion) when looked at together.
à deux (French) of or for two, esp. in an intimate or private manner.
adherent in botany, growing or having grown together. [1/3 definitions]
adiabatic of, relating to, or denoting a process that occurs without loss or gain of heat, such as a change in the volume or pressure of the contents of a container.
adjudge to deem; consider. [1/3 definitions]
administrate to manage, handle or supervise; administer.
admit to confess to a particular offense or blunder. [1/4 definitions]
adopt to accept by voting for. [1/3 definitions]
adore (informal) to have a great liking for. [1/4 definitions]
adrift in a purposeless or indecisive manner. [1/4 definitions]
adulterant something that, when added to a substance, makes the substance impure or inferior. [1/2 definitions]
adventitious in biology, occurring in an unusual or unexpected place; irregular. [1/2 definitions]
adventurism impetuous, irresponsible acts or policies, esp. by a government or someone in power, in defiant violation of commonly accepted norms of behavior.
advocate to act as an advocate for. [1/4 definitions]
Aeolis an ancient Greek colony on the northwest coast of Asia Minor.
aerator a device that aerates a fluid or mixes it with air.
aerobatics (used with a sing. or pl. verb) spectacular stunts, such as rolls, loops, and dives, performed by an airplane or glider.
aerodynamic of a contour or surface, offering the minimum of resistance when moving through air. [1/2 definitions]
aerostat an aircraft, such as a balloon or dirigible, that is lifted and held aloft by a gas that is lighter than air.
af flicted suffering from a disease or from harm caused by another.
affright (archaic) sudden fear. [2/3 definitions]