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beginning (sometimes pl.) the first part or origin of a thing or process; start. [1/2 definitions]
bezel in jewelry, the part to which gems are attached, or any facet of the cut gem above this part. [1/2 definitions]
bilk to frustrate or thwart. [1/3 definitions]
bit2 a small role in a film or play; bit part. [1/4 definitions]
bite to cause to sting or smart. [1/19 definitions]
bosom the seat of thought, affection, or emotion; heart. [1/7 definitions]
brag one who boasts; braggart. [1/5 definitions]
braggadocio one who boasts; braggart. [1/3 definitions]
break out of a war or other violent conflict, to erupt; start. [1/5 definitions]
bronze an object made of bronze, esp. a medal or work of art. [1/4 definitions]
bulb any bulging or round part. [1/3 definitions]
bulwark a wall or wall-like structure, often made of earth and used for defense; rampart. [1/4 definitions]
cam in machinery, a noncircular disc or cylinder that, when rotated, imparts an up-and-down or start-and-stop motion to a connected part.
cardiac of or pertaining to the heart. [1/3 definitions]
cardio- heart.
cardiologist a medical doctor who specializes in the workings and diseases of the heart.
cariole a light, covered cart. [1/2 definitions]
cart to transport in, or as though in, a cart. [2/6 definitions]
cartage the conveyance of goods by cart. [2 definitions]
cartload the capacity or contents of a cart.
cartwheel the wheel of a cart. [1/2 definitions]