Anglo-American |
of, pertaining to, or involving both England and America or English and American people. [2 definitions] |
Anglomania |
a greatly exaggerated attachment to or imitation of English manners, habits, institutions, and the like. |
Anglophile |
one who is a great admirer of England and of most things that are English. |
Anglophobe |
one who strongly dislikes or fears England and most things that are English. |
Anglo-Saxon |
a person of Germanic descent who lived in England before the Norman Conquest, or a descendant thereof. [5 definitions] |
Angola |
a country on the western coast of Africa, bordered by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, and Namibia. |
Angora |
(often l.c.) the hair of the Angora rabbit or Angora goat. [4 definitions] |
angostura bark |
the bitter, strong-smelling bark of either of two South American rue trees, used in medicine and as a flavoring in bitters. |
angry |
feeling or showing anger (often fol. by "at," "with," or "about"). [3 definitions] |
angst |
a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish. |
angstrom |
(often cap.) a unit of length equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimeter, used in measuring light waves; angstrom unit. (abbr.: A, A.U.) |
anguish |
unbearable pain or suffering, esp. psychological. [2 definitions] |
anguished |
feeling or showing great suffering or pain. |
angular |
consisting of, having, or forming one or more angles. [3 definitions] |
angularity |
the quality of having an angular outline. [2 definitions] |
angulation |
an angular position. [3 definitions] |
anhinga |
any of various large swimming and diving birds of tropical and subtropical America that have a long sharp bill and a long snaky neck; snakebird. |
anhydride |
a chemical compound derived from another through the removal of water. |
anhydrous |
without water. |
anil |
a shrub of the pea family that is native to the West Indies, and from which indigo is obtained, or the blue dye itself. [2 definitions] |
aniline |
an oily, colorless, poisonous liquid used in producing rubber, drugs, and dyes. [2 definitions] |