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antivivisection opposition to experimentation performed on living animals, as in medical research.
antivivisectionist combined form of vivisectionist.
antiwar combined form of war.
antiwear combined form of wear.
antiwelfare combined form of welfare.
anti-West combined form of West.
anti-Western combined form of Western.
antiwoman combined form of woman.
anti-Zionist combined form of Zionist.
antler one of a pair of solid, bony, often branched horns of the male deer and related animals.
antlerless combined form of antler.
ant lion any of several lace-winged insects whose larvae dig holes in which they trap ants or other insects for food.
antonomasia the substitution of a title or epithet in place of a name, as in calling a princess "her highness". [2 definitions]
antonym a word having a meaning opposite to that of another word.
antrum a cavity within a bone, such as the pair of sinuses in the upper jaw that open into the nose.
antsy (informal) restless, esp. nervously or impatiently so; fidgety. [2 definitions]
Anubis in Egyptian mythology, the god, represented with a jackal head, who leads the dead to judgment.
anuresis partial or total failure of the kidneys to produce and secrete urine, or blockage which inhibits normal urine excretion.
anuria the condition characterized by the inability to urinate.
anus in anatomy, the opening at the lower or rear end of the intestines, through which solid waste matter is excreted.
anvil a heavy, flat-topped metal block on which metal objects, often after heating, are hammered into shapes. [3 definitions]