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antimodernist combined form of modernist.
antimonarchical combined form of monarchical.
antimonarchist combined form of monarchist.
antimonopolist combined form of monopolist.
antimonopoly combined form of monopoly.
antimony a chemical element that has fifty-one protons in each nucleus and forms a brittle bluish white metal crystal, used in hard alloys, electrical components, and medicines. (symbol: Sb)
antimosquito combined form of mosquito.
antimusical combined form of musical.
antinarrative combined form of narrative.
antinational combined form of national.
antinationalist combined form of nationalist.
antinatural combined form of natural.
antinature combined form of nature.
antinausea combined form of nausea.
anti-Nazi combined form of Nazi.
antinepotism combined form of nepotism.
antineutrino in physics, the antiparticle of a neutrino.
antineutron in physics, the antiparticle of a neutron.
antinoise combined form of noise.
anti-novel a novel-like work which does not have the usual characteristics of a novel, esp. regarding plot.
antinuclear opposed to the development, deployment, or use of nuclear devices such as weapons and power plants.