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autistic savant an autistic person who has an extraordinary gift or ability, as in mathematics, music, or art.
auto shortened form of "automobile."
auto- self; same.
autobahn a superhighway in Germany or Austria; expressway.
autobiographical telling or based on the events and experiences of one's own life.
autobiography the events of a person's life written or told by that person.
auto body the main part of a car; the part of a car that you sit inside.
autoclave a container made to hold superheated steam under pressure, used for sterilizing medical instruments or the like or for cooking. [2 definitions]
autocracy rule by one person with absolute power; despotism. [2 definitions]
autocrat a ruler who has absolute or unlimited power; dictator; despot. [3 definitions]
autocratic pertaining to or having the powers of an autocrat; absolute. [2 definitions]
auto-da-fé the public announcement of the judgment and sentences passed and imposed on people tried as heretics during the Spanish Inquisition. [2 definitions]
autodidact a person who is self-taught at something.
autogamy in botany, self-fertilization, as of a flower with its own pollen. [2 definitions]
autogiro an aircraft that is pulled forward by a conventional propeller and held up in the air by a large horizontal rotor mounted on top of the fuselage.
autograph a signature, esp. that of a famous person. [4 definitions]
autohypnosis the act of hypnotizing oneself. [2 definitions]
autoimmune characterized by or relating to a condition in which normal cells are attacked by the body's own immune system.
autoimmunity production of antibodies that attack the body's own cells.
autointoxication in pathology, poisoning caused by toxic substances that have developed within the body itself, as in the intestines during digestion; autotoxemia.
autoloading semiautomatic, as cameras and firearms.