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bassinet an oblong basket with a hood over one end, used as a cradle for infants.
bassist one who sings bass. [2 definitions]
basso in music, one who sings bass.
bassoon a large low-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a long doubled wooden tube fitted with a slender curved metal tube that terminates in a double-reed mouthpiece.
basso-relievo see "bas-relief."
bass viol the largest and deepest-toned instrument of the violin family; double bass, contrabass. [2 definitions]
basswood any of several types of linden tree, esp. the American linden, characterized by a yearly bloom of fragrant yellow flowers. [2 definitions]
bast the strong fibrous outer layer of certain plant stems, such as flax or hemp, consisting of phloem tissue, and used in manufacturing cordage or woven goods. [2 definitions]
bastard a child of unmarried parents; illegitimate child. [3 definitions]
bastardize to prove (a person) to be a bastard. [3 definitions]
bastardy the state or condition of being an illegitimate offspring. [2 definitions]
baste1 to sew temporarily with long, loose stitches, as in temporarily assembling the pieces of a garment prior to final sewing.
baste2 to moisten (esp. meat) with a liquid during cooking.
baste3 to beat or thrash with a stick; cudgel. [2 definitions]
bastille (cap.) the state prison in Paris that was attacked and taken by French revolutionists in 1789. [2 definitions]
bastinado a blow or beating with a stick or club. [4 definitions]
basting sewing done by stitching loosely to temporarily hold material in place. [2 definitions]
bastion a pentagon-shaped portion of a rampart or fortification that projects outward. [3 definitions]
bat1 a heavy, shaped wooden or metal club used to strike the ball in baseball or cricket. [4 definitions]
bat2 any of various usu. night-flying mammals that have wings that are covered with membranes, and that sense objects mostly by means of reflected sound waves rather than by vision.
bat3 to wink (one's eyelids).