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blemish to mar or otherwise cause imperfections in. [3 definitions]
blench1 to flinch or draw back in fear; quail.
blench2 variant of blanch.
blend to combine (two or more components) so thoroughly as to be unrecognizable in the resulting mixture. [9 definitions]
blende zinc or zinc sulfide; sphalerite. [2 definitions]
blended whiskey a blend of two straight whiskeys, or of one with neutral spirits in which the hundred-proof straight whiskey constitutes at least twenty percent of the combined volume.
blender a machine used to prepare liquid foods by combining, chopping, and mixing at high speeds.
blend in to merge with, fit in with, or be indistinguishable from, the surroundings or other people.
blenny any of several small saltwater fishes with a long, tapering, slimy body.
blepharitis inflammation of the eyelids.
bless to make holy by religious ritual; sanctify. [5 definitions]
blessed hallowed; sanctified. [4 definitions]
blessing the formal religious act of one who blesses, or the words spoken as part of such act. [4 definitions]
blest a past tense and past participle of bless. [2 definitions]
bleu cheese see "blue cheese."
blew past tense of blow2.
blight a plant disease characterized by rapid destruction of parts or all of a plant. [5 definitions]
blighter (chiefly British; slang) an annoying or contemptible person. [2 definitions]
blimp an aircraft having a nonrigid structure filled with a buoyant gas; dirigible.
blind lacking the ability to see; sightless. [11 definitions]
blind alley an alley or passageway with one end closed off; cul-de-sac. [2 definitions]