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countdown the act or procedure of counting in reverse in preparation for some event, such as the firing of a rocket, to occur at "zero". [2 definitions]
countenance facial expression or general appearance. [4 definitions]
counter1 a high, flat surface, usu. long and narrow and with a solid or bulky base, at which people sit on stools or stand to transact business, eat, or prepare food. [2 definitions]
counter2 a manual or automatic device for keeping count of something. [2 definitions]
counter3 in an opposite or contrary manner or direction. [8 definitions]
counter- contrary; opposing. [2 definitions]
counteraccusation combined form of accusation.
counteract to overcome or lessen the effect of through opposition or opposite action.
counteradaptation combined form of adaptation.
counteradvertising combined form of advertising.
counteragent combined form of agent.
counteraggression combined form of aggression.
counterargue combined form of argue.
counterargument combined form of argument.
counterassault combined form of assault.
counterattack an attack made in return for another attack. [2 definitions]
counterattacker combined form of attacker.
counterbalance any force or influence, such as a weight or a point in an argument, that exactly balances another; counterpoise. [2 definitions]
counterbid combined form of bid.
counterblast combined form of blast.
counterblockade combined form of blockade.