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countersign a password or secret signal used to identify an ally. [4 definitions]
countersink to enlarge the top portion of (a hole) so that the inserted head of a bolt, screw, or the like does not protrude above the surface. [4 definitions]
countersniper combined form of sniper.
counterspy someone who engages in counterespionage, esp. one who spies upon enemy spies.
counterstatement combined form of statement.
counterstep combined form of step.
counterstrategist combined form of strategist.
counterstrategy combined form of strategy.
counterstream combined form of stream.
counterstrike combined form of strike.
counterstroke combined form of stroke.
counterstyle combined form of style.
countersue combined form of sue.
countersuggestion combined form of suggestion.
countersuit combined form of suit.
countersurveillance combined form of surveillance.
countertactics combined form of tactics.
countertendency combined form of tendency.
countertenor a man's singing voice that is higher than that of a tenor. [2 definitions]
counterterror combined form of terror.
counterterrorism combined form of terrorism.