decimal fraction |
a fraction whose denominator is some power of ten, indicated by a decimal point before the numerator, such as .7, equaling seven tenths, or .015, equaling fifteen thousandths. (Cf. common fraction.) |
decimal point |
a period placed before the numerator in a decimal fraction. |
decimal system |
a numbering or measuring system based on the number ten. [2 definitions] |
decimate |
to destroy a large part or number of. [2 definitions] |
decimation |
the act of destroying a large part or number of something. |
decimeter |
a unit of length equal to one tenth of a meter or 3.937 inches. |
decipher |
to convert from a coded form to ordinary language; decode. [2 definitions] |
decipherable |
combined form of decipher. |
decision |
the act of deciding, or the judgement, choice, or resolution that one has come to after considering a matter. [2 definitions] |
decisive |
having the power or character to make decisions or end disputes. [2 definitions] |
decistere |
a unit of volume equal to one tenth of a stere or cubic meter or 3.532 cubic feet. |
deck |
a horizontal platform or floor that extends from side to side of a ship and that may have other platforms above or below it. [6 definitions] |
deck chair |
a lightweight folding chair, often with a full-length leg rest, often used on passenger ships. |
-decker |
something that has (so many) decks, layers, or the like. [2 definitions] |
deck hand |
a seaman employed mostly on the deck of a vessel. |
deckle |
a framework or edging piece used in some papermaking to control the size of the sheets. |
deckle edge |
the irregular, untrimmed edge characterizing handmade paper, or an edge made to look like this. |
declaim |
to speak in a formal manner; deliver a speech. [4 definitions] |
declamation |
the act of declaiming. [2 definitions] |
declamatory |
in the manner of one who is declaiming. [2 definitions] |
declaration |
the act of declaring. [4 definitions] |