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done past participle of do1. [4 definitions]
donee in law, the receiver of a gift or donation.
done for (informal) dying or dead; doomed. [2 definitions]
done in (informal) extremely tired, physically or mentally; exhausted.
doneness the condition of being done, esp. being fully baked or cooked.
dong1 a low, deep, reverberating sound such as that made by a large bell.
dong2 the chief monetary unit of Vietnam, equaling ten hao.
donjon the fortified inner tower or stronghold of a castle.
Don Juan in Spanish legend and literature, a nobleman famous for his seduction of women. [2 definitions]
donkey a sturdy domestic animal that resembles a horse but is smaller and has longer ears; ass. [3 definitions]
donnish of, like, or characteristic of a university don; pedantic.
donnybrook (sometimes cap.) a noisy fight or brawl; free-for-all.
donor one who gives, contributes, or donates something such as money to an organization, fund, or the like. [2 definitions]
do-nothing a lazy, unmotivated person; idler or sluggard. [2 definitions]
Don Quixote the idealistic but impractical protagonist and title character of a seventeenth-century Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes.
don't contracted form of "do not."
donut variant of doughnut.
doodad (informal) a term used for a small object or gadget for which one does not know or cannot remember the name; dingus; contraption. [2 definitions]
doodle to draw or scribble aimlessly or absentmindedly. [3 definitions]
doodlebug the larva of an ant lion.