endorphin |
one of several peptides secreted in the brain that have a tranquilizing, euphoric, or pain-relieving effect on the body. |
endorse |
to approve or give support to. [2 definitions] |
endorsement |
a statement given in support of a person or product, as in an advertisement or political campaign. [3 definitions] |
endoscope |
a long, slender, tubular optical instrument inserted into an inner, hollow body part, such as the lungs or bowel, esp. for examination, diagnosis, or surgical treatment. |
endoscopic |
of or relating to the use of a flexible fiber-optic instrument to examine an inner part of the body. |
endoscopy |
a medical procedure, carried out for the purpose of examination, in which an endoscope, a long, tubular instrument with an attached camera, is inserted into the body, esp. through the throat or bowel. |
endoskeleton |
the internal bony supporting framework characteristic of vertebrates. (Cf. exoskeleton.) |
endosperm |
tissue that is derived from the embryo sac of a plant and that surrounds and nourishes the embryo. |
endothelial |
of or pertaining to a layer of flat cells that lines blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and some internal body cavities. |
endothelium |
a layer of flat cells that lines blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and some internal body cavities. |
endothermic |
of, concerning, or characteristic of a chemical process accompanied or caused by absorption of heat. (Cf. exothermic.) |
endow |
to give a permanent income, source of income, or property to. [2 definitions] |
endowment |
the act of providing with a permanent fund or source of income, or the money so provided. [2 definitions] |
endowment policy |
a type of insurance policy in which the insured receives a certain amount of money upon the policy's expiration, or the beneficiaries receive the money if the insured dies before the specified time. |
end product |
the final or finished product, as of an industry, chemical reaction, or growth process. |
end table |
a small table, usu. rectangular, placed at either end of a sofa or beside a chair. |
endue |
to endow with some quality or characteristic. |
end up |
to arrive at a place or enter into a situation or course of action as the final choice or final outcome. |
endurable |
able to be endured or withstood. |
endurance |
the act, condition, or capacity of functioning under prolonged stress. [2 definitions] |
endure |
to bear up under or function in spite of. [4 definitions] |