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ferromagnetic of or pertaining to several substances, such as iron and nickel, that are easily magnetized.
ferromanganese an alloy of manganese and iron, used in steelmaking.
ferrous of, relating to, or containing iron, esp. with a valence of two.
ferrous oxide a powdery black compound of iron used in making steel, a type of glass, and enamels.
ferruginous of, containing, or like iron. [2 definitions]
ferrule a metal ring, cap, or sleeve put around the end of a pole, shaft, handle, or the like to reinforce, prevent splitting, or provide a strong connection. [3 definitions]
ferry a boat or ship used to carry people, vehicles, and other things across a bay, river, lake, or channel. [6 definitions]
ferryboat a boat used to transport people, vehicles, or goods across a bay, river, or the like.
ferryman a person who operates or owns a ferry.
fertile producing or able to produce abundant growth of farm crops or other vegetation. [4 definitions]
fertility the quality or state of being fertile.
fertilization the act or process of fertilizing.
fertilize to cause the fertilization of. [3 definitions]
fertilizer an organic or inorganic substance added to soil to improve plant production or growth. [2 definitions]
ferule a rod, flat stick, or cane used for punishing children. [2 definitions]
fervent having or expressing warmth, depth, or intensity of feeling. [2 definitions]
fervid heated or impassioned; intensely enthusiastic; extremely fervent. [2 definitions]
fervor strength, heatedness, or intensity of feeling; impassioned enthusiasm. [2 definitions]
fescue any of several related grasses, commonly grown in lawns and pastures.
fess a broad horizontal band that forms the middle third of a heraldic shield.
-fest a gathering or celebration involving (such) activity.