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fetus of a higher animal, an unborn young in the later stages of development in the womb, esp. a human embryo after about three months of development.
feud a deep, long-lasting hostility, esp. between families or other related groups, and sometimes with outbreaks of violence. [3 definitions]
feudal of, concerning, or similar to feudalism, in which a landholding lord granted land to vassals on condition of their serving him. [2 definitions]
feudalism a system of economic and political organization, as in Europe in the Middle Ages, in which landholding lords granted lands to vassals in return for service and homage.
feudatory a person who has been granted land under a feudal system, or the land he holds. [2 definitions]
fever an above-normal body temperature, usu. caused by illness. [4 definitions]
fever blister a blister on the face or lips often accompanying a cold or fever; cold sore.
feverfew a fragrant perennial plant that bears clusters of small, white flowers with yellow centers, formerly used to treat fever.
feverish having, or appearing to have, a fever. [2 definitions]
few consisting of only a small number. [3 definitions]
few and far between seldom seen; not often happening; infrequent.
fewer comparative of "few." [3 definitions]
fey having an unusual, otherworldly charm or appeal; elfin. [3 definitions]
fey Scot a Scotsman who is doomed or fated to die; used in reference to the character of Macbeth in Shakespeare's play.
fez a man's felt cap, shaped like a flat-topped cone and usu. red with a black tassel, worn esp. in Middle Eastern countries.
ff. abbreviation of "and the following."
FHA abbreviation of "Federal Housing Administration."
fiancé a man who is engaged to be married.
fiancée a woman who is engaged to be married.
fiasco an utter and shameful failure.
fiat an authoritative, often arbitrary, decree or order.