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freehold legal tenure of an estate in fee or for life, or the estate so held. [2 definitions]
freelance a person who earns a living by taking on a variety of assignments, often completed at home, for a variety of employers and generally without long-term commitments. [6 definitions]
freelancer a person whose profession involves taking on various assignments from different employers, generally for short periods.
free-living freely indulging desires and appetites, as for food, drink, or sex, as a way of life.
freeload (informal) to take food, lodging, entertainment, or the like at someone else's expense and usu. to his or her disadvantage.
free lunch (informal) something obtained for nothing.
freeman one who is free, and not a slave or serf. [2 definitions]
free market a market in which buying and selling is theoretically conducted without restriction. [2 definitions]
Freemason a member of an international fraternal society that has as its aim the encouraging of mutual aid, brotherly love, and charitable acts. [2 definitions]
Freemasonry the principles, rites, and practices of Freemasons. [2 definitions]
free on board delivered free of charge to a buyer on board a train or ship.
free port a port that is open to all ships. [2 definitions]
freer1 one who frees a person or animal.
freer2 comparative of "free."
free radical an atom or molecule with one or more unpaired electrons.
free-range of, pertaining to, or produced by animals that can roam freely outdoors for at least part of the day.
free school a school that is an alternative to the traditional public and private schools, with a flexible approach to teaching.
freesia a southern African plant of the iris family that bears clusters of fragrant funnel-shaped flowers.
Free-Soil of or pertaining to the Free-Soil party of the nineteenth century which opposed the extension of slavery into the territories acquired by the United States.
free-spoken given to speaking freely and candidly; outspoken.
freest superlative of "free."