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fuel injection any of several systems by which fuel is sprayed directly into an engine's combustion chamber. [2 definitions]
fuel oil any oil used for fuel, esp. a liquid petroleum product.
fuel rod a rod-shaped unit that contains nuclear fuel such as plutonium or uranium.
fugal of, being or pertaining to the musical style of a fugue.
-fuge something that drives out or away.
fugitive someone who is escaping or running away, as from the police, persecution, responsibilities, or the like. [5 definitions]
fugue a musical form or composition in which one or more themes are stated by one voice and are then restated and modified in counterpoint in strict order by several voices. [2 definitions]
führer (German) a leader. [2 definitions]
-ful full of; characterized by. [5 definitions]
fulcrum the point of support on which a lever turns. [2 definitions]
fulfill to effect or bring to realization or completion. [4 definitions]
fulfilling causing a strong feeling of accomplishment or contentment.
fulfillment the condition or quality of being fulfilled; satisfaction. [2 definitions]
fulgent remarkably bright and shining; dazzling; radiant.
full1 unable to hold or contain any more. [8 definitions]
full2 to shrink and thicken (cloth) in manufacturing. [2 definitions]
fullback a football player who is stationed behind the quarterback and halfbacks, and often carries the ball. [3 definitions]
full-blooded descended from a pure stock, as of race or breed. [3 definitions]
full-blown at peak bloom. [2 definitions]
full-bodied characterized by fullness or richness of flavor.
full dress a set or style of clothes customarily worn for formal or ceremonial occasions, usu. including black tailcoats for men and long dresses for women.