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furniture movable objects such as chairs, tables and beds with which a living space is equipped.
furor turmoil or commotion. [4 definitions]
furred of an animal, having fur. [3 definitions]
furrier1 one who prepares or sells furs.
furrier2 comparative of "furry."
furring the act of trimming or lining something with fur, or the fur used for this. [2 definitions]
furrow a narrow trench made in the ground, as for planting seeds. [4 definitions]
furry being naturally covered in fur, as an animal or part of an animal's body. [3 definitions]
fur seal any of several eared seals whose thick underfur is valued for making coats and the like.
further a comparative of "far." [7 definitions]
furtherance the act of promoting or furthering.
furthermore in addition to what has just been stated; in addition; moreover.
furthermost most remote or distant; farthest away.
furthest a superlative of "far." [4 definitions]
furtive done with or characterized by stealth; surreptitious; sly. [2 definitions]
fury violent, passionate, or unrestrained anger; rage; frenzy. [4 definitions]
furze one of a group of low, spiny shrubs of the legume family, bearing yellow flowers; gorse.
fusarium wilt a plant disease, caused by fungi, that attacks and kills a variety of plants such as tomatoes and bananas.
fuse1 a tube or the like, filled with a combustible substance used to detonate an explosive. [3 definitions]
fuse2 to cause to become liquid by using heat; melt. [5 definitions]
fusee a match with a large head ignited by friction and capable of burning even in a wind. [4 definitions]