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gentlewoman a courteous and honorable woman. [3 definitions]
gently softly or mildly; not harshly.
gentrification the process by which buildings in decaying neighborhoods are bought and renovated by relatively wealthy people, thus causing the displacement and sometimes homelessness of poor people.
gentrify to restore or upgrade (a deteriorated neighborhood) by renovation of existing homes and the like, usu. resulting in the displacement of poor residents by more affluent ones.
gentry people who come from families of high social standing. [2 definitions]
genuflect to bend the knee so as to worship or show reverence. [2 definitions]
genuine true to what is claimed or believed about a thing; authentic. [2 definitions]
genus one of the categories used in classifying living organisms, larger than a species but smaller than a family. [2 definitions]
-geny origin; production; generation.
geo- earth.
geocentric of, concerning, or measured from the center of the earth. [2 definitions]
geochemical of, pertaining to, or involving geochemistry.
geochemistry the scientific study of the chemical composition of Earth or other celestial bodies and how this chemical composition changes. [2 definitions]
geochronology the order of events in the earth's history as revealed by geological studies.
geode a hollow, usu. globular stone, the cavity of which is lined with crystals.
geodesic of or concerning the study or properties of lines and other geometric constructions defined on curved surfaces. [3 definitions]
geodesy the science concerned with measuring the size, shape, area, and curvature of the entire earth or of large parts of it and with locating specific geographical points.
geodetic of, pertaining to, or determined by geodesy. [2 definitions]
Geoffrey Chaucer an English poet (b.1340?--d.1400).
geographer one who studies, researches, or maps the earth's surface as a profession.
geographical of or concerning geography. [2 definitions]