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grandiloquent speaking or expressed in a pretentious, pompous, or excessively ornate fashion.
grandiose pretentious, pompous, or excessively grand. [2 definitions]
grandioso in a grand, majestic style (used as a musical direction).
grand jury a jury made up of citizens who are gathered to determine whether there is enough evidence against accused persons to indict them and bring them to trial. A grand jury is typically composed of twenty-three people but the number may vary.
Grand Lama see "Dalai Lama."
grand larceny the theft of goods or property exceeding a certain amount of money set by law. (Cf. petty larceny.)
grandma (informal) the female parent of one's parent; grandmother.
grand mal a kind of epilepsy characterized by convulsions and loss of consciousness. (Cf. petit mal).
Grand Master the head of a military or fraternal order. [2 definitions]
grandmother the female parent of one's parent. [2 definitions]
grandmotherly of or concerning a grandmother or grandmothers. [2 definitions]
grandnephew a son of one's niece or nephew; great-nephew.
grandniece a daughter of one's niece or nephew; great-niece.
grand opera a usu. serious opera that has the entire text set to music.
grandpa (informal) the male parent of one's parent; grandfather.
grandparent the father or mother of one's parent.
grand piano the largest of pianos, usu. supported on three legs and having a large harp-shaped case in which the strings are strung horizontally.
Grand Prix (sometimes l.c.) any of several automobile races over a long, difficult course, esp. an international one using the same course each year.
grand slam in bridge, the taking of all thirteen tricks by the bidder. (Cf. little slam.) [4 definitions]
grandson the male child of one's child.
grandstand the rows of seats for spectators at a sports stadium, racetrack, or the like; often, a roofed section of the stands. [5 definitions]