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grenade a small missile thrown or shot from a rifle-mounted launcher at a target after being primed to explode. [2 definitions]
grenadier formerly, an elite foot soldier or a soldier specializing in using grenades. [2 definitions]
grenadine1 a thin fabric worked in an open mesh weave.
grenadine2 a red syrup made from the juice of pomegranates or red currants and used in drinks.
Grenadines a large group of islands in the eastern Caribbean, some of which belong to Grenada and others to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
grew past tense of grow.
grey variant of gray.
greyhound a member of a breed of dog that has a narrow body and head, long legs, and speed in running.
gribble any of several small saltwater crustaceans that bore into wood underwater, often causing great damage.
grid a framework or grating of crisscrossed or parallel bars. [5 definitions]
grid bias the potential difference applied between the control grid of an electron tube and a cathode.
grid current the flow of electrons from the grid to the cathode of a vacuum tube.
griddle a flat pan or flat heated surface used in cooking. [2 definitions]
griddlecake a thin cake cooked on or as if on a griddle; pancake.
gridiron a flat framework of parallel or crisscrossed metal bars, used to support foods for broiling. [4 definitions]
gridlock a traffic jam in which congestion in a grid of streets blocks movement in all directions. [2 definitions]
grief intense sorrow or distress, esp. over a loss; anguish. [3 definitions]
grief-stricken suffering from much grief; sorrowing.
grievance an injustice considered a cause for complaint, or the complaint resulting from such an injustice.
grievance committee a committee empowered to settle grievances, as between labor and management, according to formal procedures established by prior agreement.
grieve to feel intense sorrow; mourn. [2 definitions]