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Himalayas a mountain range between India and Tibet that includes the world's highest peaks (prec. by "the").
Himeji a city in southern Honshu, Japan, site of the country's oldest intact castle.
Himeji Castle a complex of buildings, with towers and multi-layered roofs, built around 1600 on Mt. Hime in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
himsa (Sanskrit) violence. "Himsa" is the opposite of "ahimsa," the principle of nonviolence.
himself referring to the reflexive action of a male human or animal. [4 definitions]
Hinayana the earlier and more conservative branch of Buddhism, which emphasizes self-discipline, meditation, and self-purification. (Cf. Mahayana.)
hind1 at or near the back; rear; posterior.
hind2 a female deer, esp. an adult red deer. [2 definitions]
hindbrain the rearmost portion of the brain, composed of the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata.
hinder to interfere with or obstruct the functioning or progress of. [3 definitions]
Hindi the principal, official language of India.
hindmost situated at the back or end; last.
hindquarter one half of the rear part of a butchered animal, including one leg and parts of the hip and back. [2 definitions]
hindrance someone or something that acts as an obstacle, as to an action or goal. [2 definitions]
hindsight the understanding of an occurrence, situation, or the like at a later time, esp. because of knowledge or experience gained subsequently.
Hindu an adherent of Hinduism. [3 definitions]
Hinduism the predominant religious and social system of India, characterized by a caste structure of society, belief in reincarnation, and many deities that are aspects of the same supreme being.
Hindustani the most important Hindi dialect. [2 definitions]
hinge a device, as on a door or lid, usu. consisting of two pieces connected at a joint so that one piece can open, close, or swing upon the other, stationary piece. [5 definitions]
hinny the hybrid offspring of a female donkey and a male horse. (Cf. mule1.)
hint a subtle or indirect but comprehensible reference, intimation, or suggestion. [4 definitions]