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Hodgkin's disease a progressive, sometimes fatal disease in which the lymph tissues, spleen, and kidneys become enlarged or inflamed.
hodoscope a device used to follow the paths of charged particles in a magnetic field.
hoe a garden tool with a flat crosswise blade at the end of a long handle, used for loosening the soil and weeding. [3 definitions]
hoedown a square dance. [2 definitions]
hog a domestic pig or swine, esp. one that weighs over 120 pounds, raised for meat. [4 definitions]
hogan a dwelling of the Navajo and other American Indians, constructed of earth walls supported by timbers.
hogback a long, sharp, mountainous ridge, often formed of steeply inclined strata.
hog cholera a contagious and usu. fatal viral infection that affects swine with fever, sluggishness, and other disorders.
hoggish resembling a hog, esp. in greediness or uncleanliness.
hognose snake any of several nonpoisonous snakes characterized by a thick body and an upturned snout.
hogshead a large barrel, esp. one that holds from 63 to 140 gallons. [2 definitions]
hogtie to tie the four legs of (an animal) together. [2 definitions]
hogwash scraps or garbage given to hogs; swill. [2 definitions]
ho-hum used to express tiredness, indifference, or boredom.
Hôi An a small coastal town and historical trading port in central Vietnam, also known as Ancient City.
hoi polloi the masses or common people (usu. used as a term of contempt).
hoisin sauce a sweet rich dark sauce of fermented rice, soy beans, vinegar, and seasonings, used esp. in or on Chinese dishes.
hoist to lift or haul up, esp. by mechanical means. [3 definitions]
hoist by one's own petard caught or defeated by one's own traps or schemes.
hoity-toity affecting superiority; self-important, pompous, or haughty. [3 definitions]
hokey (slang) obnoxiously sentimental. [2 definitions]