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holler (informal) to cry out, yell, or shout. [5 definitions]
hollow having an empty space on the inside; not solid within. [10 definitions]
hollowed-out with the insides removed, leaving a hollow space.
hollow-eyed having depressed, sunken, or shadowed eyes, esp. from tiredness or illness.
hollowware tableware, esp. silver serving dishes, that is relatively hollow or concave.
holly any of various shrubs or trees that bear small white flowers, bright red berries, and have shiny dark green leaves with prickly edges. [2 definitions]
hollyhock a widely cultivated plant that has tall showy stalks covered with flowers.
Hollywood a section of Los Angeles that is often considered to be the center of the U.S. film industry or to represent the industry's values, lifestyle, or the like.
Hollywood bed a bed consisting of a mattress and box spring that rests on a metal frame or low legs, and often having a headboard.
holmium a chemical element of the rare-earth group that contains sixty-seven protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Ho)
holm oak an oak native to southern Europe with prickly evergreen leaves that resemble holly.
holo- entire; whole.
holocaust an extensive or thorough destruction or devastation, esp. by fire. [3 definitions]
Holocene of, relating to, or designating the latest geological epoch of the Quaternary Period that includes the present and began approximately 10 thousand years ago, marked by the development of modern human culture; Recent. [2 definitions]
Holodomor a human-engineered famine brought about in Ukraine during the years 1932 and 1933 when Ukraine was under Soviet rule, and, specifically, during the time that Joseph Stalin was in power. Millions of people died of starvation as a result of this famine (often preceded by "the").
hologram a three-dimensional photograph produced by a laser beam reflected off an object onto film.
holograph entirely handwritten by the author. [2 definitions]
holography the technique or process of producing holograms.
holozoic feeding on organic materials, as do most animals.
Holstein any of a black-and-white breed of dairy cow originating in northern Holland. [2 definitions]
holster a case for a small handgun, pistol, or tool, usu. made of leather and attached to a belt.