inhuman |
characterized by a lack of human warmth, mercy, or sympathy; cruel, brutal, or unfeeling. [3 definitions] |
inhumane |
lacking pity, compassion, or kindness; not humane. |
inhumanity |
lack of pity, sympathy, or kindness; cruelty. [2 definitions] |
inhume |
to bury (a body) in the ground; inter. |
inimical |
like an enemy; hostile. [2 definitions] |
inimitable |
impossible to imitate, because of uniqueness or superiority. |
iniquitous |
of, showing, or characterized by iniquity; wicked, sinful, or unjust. |
iniquity |
great injustice or wickedness. [2 definitions] |
in irons |
undergoing confinement or restraint, as for punishment; in shackles or fetters. |
initial |
of the beginning; first. [4 definitions] |
initially |
at first; in the beginning. |
initiate |
to cause to begin; institute; originate. [4 definitions] |
initiation |
a set of ceremonies or rituals used to formally initiate someone into a club or society. [2 definitions] |
initiative |
the power, ability, or energy to organize or actively carry through a plan. [3 definitions] |
initiatory |
serving to begin or introduce; initial; introductory. [2 definitions] |
inject |
to introduce (a fluid) or introduce a fluid into (someone or something) by force or pressure, as fuel into an engine cylinder, or a medicine into a muscle or vein. [2 definitions] |
injectable |
combined form of inject. |
injection |
something injected, esp. a measured dose of liquid medicine. [2 definitions] |
in jig time |
(informal) very quickly; more rapidly than usual. |
injudicious |
lacking in or poor in judgment; rash or unwise. |
injunction |
a command or order, esp. from a court, to do or refrain from doing something; authorization or prohibition. |