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John the Baptist according to the New Testament, a minister, born shortly before Jesus Christ, who foretold the coming of the Messiah in the person of Jesus and later baptized him.
joie de vivre joy of living (French); the intense pleasure one takes from being alive.
join to put, bring, fasten, or connect together. [8 definitions]
joinable combined form of join.
joiner a person or thing that joins. [3 definitions]
join in to begin to participate in an activity with others.
joint a place or point at which two or more parts come together or are connected; junction. [13 definitions]
joint account a bank or stock account in the names of two or more people, all of whom may withdraw funds from it.
Joint Chiefs of Staff the principal military advisory body to the President of the United States, consisting of the chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
joint committee a committee consisting of members from both houses of a bicameral legislature, or from two or more organizations.
jointly done by two or more people or organizations together; in common.
joint resolution a resolution passed by both houses of a bicameral legislature.
joint return a single U.S. income tax return combining the individual incomes of a married couple.
joint-stock company a company organized like a corporation except that stockholders are liable for debts.
jointure a granting of property to a woman by her intended husband, such property to be retained by her after his death. (See dower, dowry.)
jointweed an herb related to buckwheat, having jointed stems and bearing clusters of small white flowers.
joist any of usu. many small beams placed horizontally from one side of a room or building to the other, to which a ceiling or floorboards are to be attached. [2 definitions]
joke a short fictional story told to provoke laughter, esp. in reaction to the ending. [7 definitions]
joker someone who frequently tells jokes or acts so as to provoke laughter; jokester. [4 definitions]
jokester a person who often jokes or plays jokes on others.
jokingly in a humorous manner.