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Mt. Hime also known as Himeyama, site of Himeji Castle in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
mtn. an abbreviation of "mountain."
mu the name of the twelfth letter of the Greek alphabet.
much great in degree, number, or amount. [5 definitions]
muchacha (Spanish) a young woman; a female adolescent.
muchacho (Spanish) a young man.
much less let alone (used to add to one's statement an element that is highly unlikely given the fact just stated).
mucilage any of various sticky preparations or substances used as adhesives. [2 definitions]
mucilaginous of, concerning, secreting, or resembling mucilage; soft, moist, and sticky.
muck organic matter in decomposition; manure. [7 definitions]
muckrake to investigate and expose misconduct or corruption, esp. on the part of political or business leaders.
muckraker one who investigates and exposes misconduct or corruption, esp. on the part of political or business leaders.
muck up (informal) to make a mess of; throw into confusion; botch.
mucosa a membrane that secretes mucus, lining all body parts that are in direct or indirect contact with the exterior.
mucous producing, secreting, or containing mucus. [2 definitions]
mucous membrane a lubricating membrane that lines various surfaces or organs, as of the respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary tracts.
mucus a viscid substance that is secreted by the lubricating membrane that lines bodily passages and organs, and that acts as a moist, protective coating of their walls.
mud earth that has been turned soft and sticky by wetting, as by rain. [2 definitions]
mud dauber any of various wasps that build cells of mud for their larvae.
mudder a racehorse that runs well on a muddy track.
muddle to cause confusion or disorder in; mix up or jumble. [6 definitions]