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mullet any of several related food fish of both salt and fresh water in tropical and temperate zones, with a usu. gray, nearly cylindrical body.
mulligan in golf, another drive off the first tee, granted by one's partners after a poor first drive.
mulligan stew a stew made of odd bits of meat and vegetables.
mulligatawny a highly spiced meat soup, often made with chicken stock and flavored with curry.
mullion a vertical divider, such as a strip between panes or sections of a window, wall panels, or the like.
multangular having many or multiple angles, as certain bones of the wrist.
multi- more than two; many. [2 definitions]
multiage combined form of age.
multiagency combined form of agency.
multiarmed combined form of armed.
multiatom combined form of atom.
multiauthor combined form of author.
multiaxial combined form of axial.
multibarrel combined form of barrel.
multibarreled combined form of barreled.
multibillion combined form of billion.
multibillionaire combined form of billionaire.
multibladed combined form of bladed.
multibranched combined form of branched.
multibuilding combined form of building.
multicampus combined form of campus.