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-natured having or showing (such) a nature, character, or temperament.
nature preserve an area set aside for the protection and propagation of fish, animals, or plant life.
naturist one who appreciates the delights of nature.
naturopathy a method of treating illness without drugs, relying on massage, sunlight, proper food, and the like.
Naugahyde trademark for a strong vinyl-coated fabric imitative of leather, used for furniture, luggage, and the like.
naught the number zero. [2 definitions]
naughty misbehaving or mischievous. [2 definitions]
Nauru a Pacific island country slightly south of the equator and northeast of New Guinea.
nausea a stomach disturbance marked by vomiting or the impulse to vomit; queasiness. [2 definitions]
nauseate to upset the stomach of (a person or animal), often to the point of causing vomiting; cause nausea in. [2 definitions]
nauseous causing nausea; sickening or disgusting. [2 definitions]
nautch in India, a type of folk dance. [2 definitions]
nautical of, relating to, or characteristic of the sea, sea transport, or sailors; naval or marine.
nautical mile a unit of length equal to 1.852 kilometers or 6,076.1 feet, used in sea and air navigation.
nautilus any of several related mollusks of the Indian or South Pacific Ocean, having a spiral, chambered shell lined with a pearly membrane; chambered nautilus; pearly nautilus.
Navajo a member of a tribe of North American Indians occupying parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. [3 definitions]
naval of or pertaining to ships, esp. those of a navy. [2 definitions]
nave1 the long center of a church, extending from the entry area to the altar, usu. with aisles on either side.
nave2 the center of a wheel; hub.
navel the place on the abdomen of a mammal where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached; umbilicus. [2 definitions]
navel orange a sweet seedless orange having a navel-like depression that contains a secondary underdeveloped fruit.