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nightwear garments worn to bed; nightclothes.
nighty variant of nightie.
nihilism a philosophy that holds that there is no objective basis for moral truths and therefore traditional values are meaningless. [3 definitions]
nihility the state of nonexistence or nothingness.
-nik (informal) one who supports or is connected or associated with (usu. derogatory).
Nike in Greek mythology, the goddess of victory; Victoria.
Nikita Khrushchev Soviet statesman and premier of the U.S.S.R. from 1958 to 1964, who denounced his predecessor, Joseph Stalin (b.1894--d.1971).
Nikola Tesla a Croatian-born U.S. inventor who developed alternating electric current (b.1856--d.1943).
nil nothing; zero.
Nile an African river that flows from Uganda northward to the Mediterranean Sea.
Nile River an African river, generally considered to be the longest in the world, flowing from Uganda northward to the Mediterranean Sea.
nilgai a large Indian antelope, the male of which is bluish gray with short horns and a black mane, and the female tawny with no horns.
nimble quick and agile in movement. [2 definitions]
nimbostratus a low, extensive, dark-gray cloud that precipitates rain, snow, or sleet.
nimbus a shining cloud or aura believed to surround a deity that is appearing on earth. [3 definitions]
nimrod an avid hunter or sportsman. [2 definitions]
nincompoop a foolish or silly person.
nine the number represented by the Arabic numeral 9 and by the Roman numeral IX. [3 definitions]
nine days' wonder something that is briefly sensational or fascinating.
ninefold having nine parts or elements. [3 definitions]
ninepins (used with a sing. verb) a bowling game similar to tenpins that is played with nine pins. [2 definitions]