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odium hatred, strong dislike, or repugnance. [3 definitions]
odometer an instrument that measures the distance traveled by a vehicle, such as is found on the dashboard of an automobile.
odonto- tooth.
odontology the science that deals with teeth and gums, and their development and care.
odor the property or quality of a thing that stimulates or is perceived by the sense of smell. [3 definitions]
odori traditional Japanese dance, or a particular set of dance movements in the traditional style.
odoriferous having or spreading an odor, esp. a pleasant or fragrant one.
odorless combined form of odor.
odorous having or giving off a distinctive or strong odor.
odour a spelling of "odor" used in Canada and Britain. See "odor" for more information.
Odysseus the protagonist of The Odyssey, known for his cleverness and persuasive oratory; Ulysses.
odyssey an extended, wandering journey of adventure or quest. [2 definitions]
OED abbreviation of "Oxford English Dictionary."
oedipal (often cap.) of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or resulting from an Oedipus complex.
Oedipus in an ancient Greek tragedy by Sophocles, the protagonist and title character, who unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother.
oenology the study of wines and winemaking.
oenophile a person who enjoys wine; wine connoisseur.
o'er contracted form of "over" (used chiefly in literature).
oeuvre (French) the works of a writer, artist, or composer taken as a whole. [2 definitions]
of used to indicate distance or separation from. [13 definitions]