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oeuvre (French) the works of a writer, artist, or composer taken as a whole. [2 definitions]
of used to indicate distance or separation from. [13 definitions]
of- to. [2 definitions]
of a piece of the same kind; practically alike; consistent.
of a sort of a mediocre variety. [2 definitions]
ofay (offensive slang) a white person.
of course certainly. [2 definitions]
off away from a surface. [37 definitions]
off. abbreviation of "office."
offal the parts of a butchered animal considered unfit for human consumption; waste. [2 definitions]
off and on in alternating periods of activity and inactivity; intermittently. [2 definitions]
off-balance made or done while one is not physically balanced.
off base mistaken; inaccurate; wrong.
offbeat unusual or unconventional. [2 definitions]
off Broadway professional drama produced in New York City in small theaters located outside the Broadway theater district and characterized by experimental productions. [2 definitions]
off-Broadway being or pertaining to professional drama produced in New York City in small theaters located outside the Broadway theater district and characterized by experimental productions.
off-center not in the center; deviating from center. [2 definitions]
off-color not of the standard or required color. [3 definitions]
offence a spelling of "offense" used in Canada and Britain. See "offense" for more information.
offend to anger, annoy, or provoke resentment in. [5 definitions]
offender one that offends; especially one who has broken a law.