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Olmec a member of an ancient Indian tribe that lived in southern Mexico. [2 definitions]
-ology variant of -logy.
Olympia the capital of the state of Washington. [2 definitions]
Olympiad a celebration of the modern Olympic Games; Olympics.
Olympian of, concerning, or denoting the major ancient Greek gods that lived on Olympus. [5 definitions]
Olympic of or pertaining to the Olympic Games. [3 definitions]
Olympic Games an international amateur athletic competition patterned after the ancient Greek games, held every four years in different countries, with separate dates and locations for winter and warm-weather sports.
Olympus Mount Olympus, a mountain in northern Greece, believed in ancient times to be the dwelling place of the gods.
-oma tumor.
Oman a country on the Indian Ocean northeast of Yemen and west of Saudi Arabia.
Omar Khayyam a Persian poet and mathematician (b.1050?--d.1123?).
omasum the third stomach of a cud-chewing animal such as a cow, located between the reticulum and the abomasum.
OMB abbreviation of "Office of Management and Budget."
ombudsman a man employed by a government, institution, or the like to hear and attempt to resolve complaints, as from citizens, employees, or students.
ombudsperson a person employed by a government, institution, or the like to hear and attempt to resolve complaints, as from citizens, employees, or students.
ombudswoman a woman employed by a government, institution, or the like to hear and attempt to resolve complaints, as from citizens, employees, or students.
omega the name of the twenty-fourth and last letter of the Greek alphabet. [2 definitions]
omelet a dish made from beaten eggs that are cooked into a single sheet and folded, often over a filling of cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, or other ingredients.
omen an occurrence that is believed to be a supernatural indicator of future good or evil. [3 definitions]
omertà (Italian) a code of silence that prevents adherents from giving to authorities information concerning activities of a criminal organization.
omicron the name of the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet.