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pansophism a claim or pretension to universal wisdom or knowledge.
pansy a garden plant, related to the violet, that has flat, rounded, velvety flowers of various intense colors, or the flower of this plant. [2 definitions]
pant to breathe in rapid short gasps, as after hard exercise. [5 definitions]
Pantagruel in the sixteenth-century French satire Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais, a giant, good-natured, drunken jokester.
pantalets long women's drawers with ruffles along the lower edge of each leg.
pantaloons men's tightfitting trousers secured by straps under the insteps, worn esp. in the nineteenth century.
pantheism the religious or philosophical doctrine that God is in all things and all things are part of God.
pantheon a temple dedicated to all of a people's gods. [4 definitions]
panther a leopard, esp. a black one with no spots. [2 definitions]
panties brief underpants for women or children.
pantile a curved roofing tile laid so the down curve of one tile overlaps with the up curve of the one beside it.
panto- all.
pantograph a jointed mechanical device in the shape of a parallelogram with styluses that enables one to create copies of drawings, diagrams, maps, and the like to any desired scale.
pantomime a type of theatrical performance in which stories, meanings, or emotions are expressed by gestures, movements, and facial expressions, usu. without speech; mime. [5 definitions]
pantothenic acid an organic acid considered to be part of the vitamin B complex, present in most animal and plant tissues and vital for cell growth.
pantry a small room, usu. adjoining a kitchen, where kitchen and table supplies and food are kept. [2 definitions]
pants an outer garment that covers the area below the waist, reaching any of various lengths down to the feet, and covering each leg separately; trousers. [2 definitions]
pants suit variant of pantsuit.
pantsuit a woman's suit jacket with matching pants.
panty singular form of "panties," a short lower-body undergarment typically worn by women and girls (singular form used typically as part of a compound word or to refer to underpants that are attached to a garment.)
panty girdle a girdle with a crotch and legs that can vary in length from very short to mid-thigh to knee-length.