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paperless combined form of paper.
paper money currency in paper form, such as a dollar bill or bank note, that is issued by a government or its banks as legal tender.
paper nautilus an octopuslike mollusk, the female of which has a thin spiral shell in which she can dwell and lay eggs.
paper tiger a person, group, or nation that seems strong or powerful enough to pose a threat, but is actually weak or ineffectual; empty threat.
paper towel a small sheet of absorbent paper used primarily in the kitchen as a towel for wiping surfaces, cleaning up spills, and the like.
paperweight a small heavy object placed on top of papers to keep them from being moved by wind or accident.
paperwork routine written or clerical work that accompanies business or other transactions.
papery like paper; thin; light; flimsy.
papeterie a box of writing paper, envelopes, and other writing accessories.
papier-mâché a moldable substance, often used for decorations, that is made of pulped or shredded paper, glue, and other materials, and that is soft and pliable when wet but dries to become hard and stiff.
papilla a small bodily projection that resembles a nipple, such as a taste bud on the tongue, a protuberance at the root of a hair, or a pimple.
papillary relating to, consisting of, or affecting papillae. [2 definitions]
papilloma a benign tumor of the skin or mucous membrane, such as a corn or wart, that consists of an enlarged papilla or group of papillae.
papillon any of a breed of toy spaniels having a long, silky coat and large erect ears that resemble butterfly wings.
papillote an ornamental curled paper put over the end of the bone of a chop or cutlet. [2 definitions]
papoose a North American Indian baby or young child.
pappus a modified calyx consisting of a ring or tuft of feathery hairs, bristles, or scales around the top of the fruit of composite plants, such as the dandelion and thistle.
pappy1 paplike; mushy.
pappy2 (informal) father; papa.
paprika a powdered reddish seasoning made from dried sweet red peppers.
Pap test a microscopic examination of cells taken as a smear from the cervix of a woman, used to determine whether uterine cancer is present; Pap smear.