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pentamerous consisting of five parts or divisions.
pentameter a line of verse consisting of five metrical feet. [2 definitions]
pentane any of three colorless liquid isomeric hydrocarbons of the methane series.
Pentateuch the first five books of the Old Testament; Five Books of Moses.
pentathlon in the Olympic games, a five-event contest in which each competitor must ride, on horseback, a cross-country course, run cross-country, swim, fence, and shoot a pistol. [2 definitions]
pentavalent in chemistry, having a valence of five.
Pentecost a Christian festival on the seventh Sunday after Easter, celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles of Jesus Christ. [2 definitions]
Pentecostal of or pertaining to Pentecost. [2 definitions]
penthouse an apartment or other dwelling situated on the top floor or roof of a usu. tall building. [3 definitions]
pentode a vacuum tube containing five electrodes that is used as a voltage amplifier.
pentose any of several monosaccharides, such as ribose, that have five oxygen atoms in the molecule.
pent-up held in; not released or expressed; confined.
pentyl see "amyl."
penuche a candy, cooked much like fudge, that is made of brown sugar, butter, milk, and nuts.
penult the syllable that is next to the last syllable in a word. [2 definitions]
penultima see penult.
penultimate the next to the last. [2 definitions]
penumbra the partially lighted shadow that surrounds the complete shadow of an opaque body such as the moon during an eclipse. (Cf. umbra.) [3 definitions]
penurious extremely needy or poor; poverty-stricken. [3 definitions]
penury severe poverty; pennilessness. [2 definitions]
Penzance a seaport town in the southwest corner of England and the setting of Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera, The Pirates of Penzance.