person |
a human being. [4 definitions] |
persona |
in psychology, the outer personality, façade, or public identity an individual presents to others. |
personable |
pleasing in appearance or manner; friendly; attractive. |
personae |
the characters in a play, novel, opera, or other work of fiction; dramatis personae. |
personage |
a person, esp. one of importance. [2 definitions] |
persona grata |
(Latin) a person who is acceptable or welcome, esp. a diplomat acceptable to the government to which he or she has been assigned. |
personal |
of, pertaining to, or belonging to a particular individual, and often not for other people to share, be concerned with, or see. [6 definitions] |
personal computer |
a compact computer designed for individual use; microcomputer. |
personal effects |
the personal belongings of an individual, esp. those worn or carried such as clothing, identification, keys, and the like. |
personal foul |
in some team sports, a foul involving unnecessarily rough body contact with an opponent. |
Personal Identification Number |
an identification number entered on a keypad to gain remote electronic access to one's bank account or other financial accounts. |
personality |
that which distinguishes a person from others; collective characteristic qualities of a person. [3 definitions] |
personalize |
to attribute or apply (something general) to oneself specifically. [3 definitions] |
personally |
in person; without the aid of others. [4 definitions] |
personal property |
movable property such as furniture, vehicles, and the like, as opposed to real estate. |
personal responsibility |
the principle that one is responsible for one's own behavior, regardless of the behavior of others. |
personalty |
personal property, as opposed to real estate. |
persona non grata |
(Latin) a person who is unacceptable or unwelcome, esp. a diplomat to the government to which he or she has been assigned. |
personate1 |
to act or portray (a character in a play or masquerade). [3 definitions] |
personate2 |
in biology, having masklike markings. [2 definitions] |
personhood |
the fact or condition of being a person. [2 definitions] |